Committees and Groups
Our committees serve our community and offer a great way to get to know our members. We encourage all of our members to participate in volunteer activities. To send an email, simply click on the name of the person you want to contact. For phone numbers, consult the Temple Directory or call the Temple office at (831) 479-3444
Committees of the Board
Building & Grounds -Open
Finance Committee/Budget - Sharon Hoffman-Manning
Social Justice - Judi Sherman
Fund Development - Josh Karter
Social Justice - Judi Sherman
Fund Development - Josh Karter
Temple Beth El Groups
Caring Committee - Lauren Leff
Cemeteries: Home of Peace, Soquel & Beit Olam - Terry Spodick/David Ginsborg
Chevra Kaddisha (Burial Society) - Holly Blue Hawkins and Rabbi Paula Marcus
Choir - Emily Sinclair
COPA (Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action) - Andrew Goldenkranz
Cemeteries: Home of Peace, Soquel & Beit Olam - Terry Spodick/David Ginsborg
Chevra Kaddisha (Burial Society) - Holly Blue Hawkins and Rabbi Paula Marcus
Choir - Emily Sinclair
COPA (Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action) - Andrew Goldenkranz
Dayenu Circle - Bob Kibrick
Genealogy Club - Lee Jaffe
Jewish Community Education Group - Roz Shorenstein
Library - Lee Jaffe
Lifelong Learning - Michele Kibrick and Carol Shapiro
Mazon Project—Providing Meals for the Homeless - Robin Belkin
Rosh Hodesh - Chai Bryce
Senior Connections - Bonnie Morr
Temple School Advisory Committee - Penny Chesluk
Twice Blessed Gay & Lesbian Outreach Group/Out in Our Faith - Gail Levine, Peg Shemaria-Hedman, and Rabbi Paula Marcus
Library - Lee Jaffe
Lifelong Learning - Michele Kibrick and Carol Shapiro
Mazon Project—Providing Meals for the Homeless - Robin Belkin
Rosh Hodesh - Chai Bryce
Senior Connections - Bonnie Morr
Temple School Advisory Committee - Penny Chesluk
Twice Blessed Gay & Lesbian Outreach Group/Out in Our Faith - Gail Levine, Peg Shemaria-Hedman, and Rabbi Paula Marcus
Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785