Shabbat Morning Service at TBE
Saturday, November 23, 2024 • 22 Cheshvan 5785
10:00 AM - 12:00 PMChadeish Yameinu and Temple Beth El will meet in the TBE library, for a “short and sweet” Shabbat service beginning at 10:00 am
The service will Include selections from the following parts of the service:
- Pseukei D’Zimra (the verses of praise) *
- Shacharit-the morning service including the Shema and Amidah
- a D’var Torah
- Kaddish
- Kiddush with challah and wine or juice
These services will be led by Rabbi Debbie Israel in the TBE library
*Pesukei d’Zimra — literally “verses of praise” — is the first section of daily morning prayer services. Composed of recitations from the end of the Book of Psalms and other poetic verses, it is commonly understood to be an introductory section to the shacharit prayers.
In the interest of community care:
Stay home if you are sick or have cold symptoms. Everyone is urged to stay up to date on vaccinations. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Masks are encouraged. Anyone who is coughing or sneezing is required to wear a mask (due to allergies or lingering cough from a cold.
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Thu, January 2 2025 2 Tevet 5785