High Holiday Family Page
Have your children participate in our childcare program or bring them to the main service with you. The Junior Congregation Family Service is part of the childcare program, but everyone is welcome. This service is bit shorter, less formal, and more interactive than the main service.
We will have the library designated as a family space where you can sit with your young children and watch the service on a monitor if needed. We will also have space in the library for nursing mothers.
In addition to the Junior Congregation Family Services, which are most appropriate for families with school age children, we have 2 programs for families with pre-school children. For Rosh Hashanah we have Rosh Hashanah Mazel Tots on Sunday, October 6th at 10am. Rosh Hashanah songs, crafts and activities for young families. There is no need to register for this program, just come! For Yom Kippur we will have a Yom Kippur Family Service on Saturday, October 12 at 4:14pm. Please register for this program here.