Senior Connections

Previous Programs: Click to watch
Bruce Thompson Jews and the Wizard of Oz
Ed Weingold A Map of the World Book Talk
Bob Kibrick Challenges to Democracy
Ronnie Gruhn The World in Crisis
Claudia Bloom An Afternoon of Soulful Jewish Music
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett on the creation of the Polin Museum in Warsaw
Rachel Kippen, Executive Director of O'Neill Sea Odyssey Ocean Conservation in Monterey Bay: Engaging the Next Generation
K. Meira Goldberg speaks about the influence of her Jewish roots on her life in Flamenco
Tracing Your Jewish Roots at Home with Genealogists from the Center for Jewish History, NYC
Carie Thompson speaks about the Land Trust of Santa Cruz
Our Soul's Journey with Shulamit Elson
Silvia Vasquez-Lavado discusses her memoir, In The Shadow of the Mountain
Lara Love-Hardin Sharing Our Stories
Deborah Tannen on her new book Finding My Father
Mark Levy: Chanukah Late; 2021 None Too Soon
Maria Gitin; Stories From the Voting Rights Fight
Carolyn Cocciardi: Leonardo's Knot
Martha Mendoza America's Medical Supply Crisis
Sherry Halperin: Lights, Camera
Dale Atkins:Tikkun Olam and the Advantages of Aging with Kindness
Leslie Tremaine: Awakening Joy
Bruce Thompson: Jerome Robbins: From Ballet to Broadway
Coeleen Kiebert: The Creative Drive at 80 Plus
Ronnie Gruhn: India and It's Critical Role on the World Stage
Dan Phillips: My Writing Process from Journal to Poem
The History of the Santa Cruz Jewish Community with George Fogelson
Emily Kingsley: The Inclusion of Disability in the Media
The Burning Light of Two Stars with Laura Davis
Performance That Heals in Bali
Tu B'Shvat: The New Year of the Trees! With Mark Levy
Myra Goodman-Quest for Eternal Sunshine
Abby Ginsburg screens excerpts from her documentary films centering on Social Justice
Free Up Your Creativity with Renee Winter
Gloria Heistein- Marrying Roque
Rosemary Zumwalt: My field research as an anthropologist and folklorist
Shmuel Thaler's Photographic Tour of India
Rick and Evie Alloy Trace Their Roots Through Ukraine and Poland
Why not honor your loved ones with a donation to the Senior Connections fund and help us to continue these great programs twice a month? Senior Connections is a self-sustaining group within the Temple family. Our success is due to the support of people like you. Contributions of any amount to Senior Connections are greatly appreciated and will go toward honorariums for our speakers, film licensing dues, luncheon expenses and assistance to seniors in our Temple and in the larger community.